Let me begin with the letter ‘Y’

Let me begin with the letter ‘Y’
As in ‘you’ :
because you were so very important.
As in ‘yes’ :
because that seemed to always be my answer.
As in ‘yearn’ :
because of things I didn’t let myself have.
As in ‘years’ :
because I wasted them on you.
And as in ‘why’
because I had to ask so often, I lost the answers.

Why not the letter ‘I’?
As in ‘idiot’ :
because, unfortunately, I was.
As in ‘ignorant’ :
because I’d let myself be.
As in ‘ignored’ :
because, despite everything, I had been.
As in ‘important’ :
because I realised too late that I am.
And as in ‘me’ :
because maybe, sometimes, I should put myself first.

Maybe, sometimes, I should begin with the letter ‘I’.

Author: craptasticweb

19 year old with too many things to say and not enough words to say it. not to mention, not enough talent to do so either.

8 thoughts on “Let me begin with the letter ‘Y’”

  1. You should always come first. Some people have thought that sounds selfish, it’s not. In my opinion, it is truly selfish to focus on others so much that they receive a you that is not authentic or at its best. Life is a great meal, we are all a part of the main course and should make sure we are done as well as we can be. To offer the world a version of ourselves that is covered in layers and cooked incorrectly….all because we were too lazy or scared to finish cooking…that is selfishness. Now I’m hungry. Damn. I liked your post!

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